Cockapoo pups available 2
Layla and Mario had a beautiful litter of Cockapoos born on November 18, 2024. Layla had 4 males, and 6 females. Layla is our pretty Buff and White Cocker Spaniel girl. Layla weighs 23 lbs. Mario is our handsome Chocolate and Tan Phantom Miniature Poodle and he weighs 20 lbs. Both Layla and Mario are very healthy and have very loving temperaments and we know their puppies will too. We are expecting the puppies from this litter to weigh between 18 and 22 lbs. For pictures of the Parents please see, "Our Females" and "Our Males" pages.
The Puppies from this litter will come with CKC papers, a 2 year Health Guarantee, Vet Records and Shot Records, vaccines and dewormings will be up to date, a puppy pack, sample of food and a toy. We have a good Vet reference if you need one. They have already had their tails docked and dew claws removed and they will go to our Vet when they are 7 weeks old for a well exam prior to leaving for their new homes. They will be ready for their new homes around January 6, 2025.
Our Cockapoos are $900.00. We will only hold puppies by deposit. The deposit is $300.00 and is non-refundable but is applied toward the price of the puppy. Deposits can be paid by sending a check or by paying through Paypal or Cash app if you don't mind paying their small fee. The balance is due when you pick up your puppy. We only take Cash at pick up time. We do not ship our puppies.
Names are for advertisement only and can be changed after the deposit is paid. We update pictures often so that our customers can watch their puppy grow. Our new Parents adopting from this litter will receive updated pictures by email.
I have also added pictures of some of our older Cockapoo puppies that were born the same color. For more pictures of our older Cockapoo puppies please see our Testimonials page, the Cockapoos are at the bottom of the page.
*******Please note that once you have made your decision on the puppy you want to adopt, you will not be able to change puppies. We usually have a waiting list and if you change your mind, it makes it difficult for the next person to choose their puppy. Please make sure your decision is final. Thank you for your cooperation.******* SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE!!!!
*****All Sables will lighten with time*****
Cupcake: Chocolate, White and Tan tri-color female. Available
Snowflake: Buff female. Available
Orion: Black and Tan male. Available
Aurora: Black and Tan female. Available
Moose: Chocolate and Tan male. Adopted by Andrea!
Winter: Buff male. Available
Mocha: Chocolate and Tan female. Available
Aspen: Buff female. Available
CoCoa: Chocolate and tan female. Adopted by April!
Jack Frost: Buff male. Adopted by Jacqueline!
Be sure to click on the picture for a larger view!
Tan points come in at different strengths. All puppies with tan points will be born with tan on their bottoms. Puppies that are born with strong tan points will keep them and they are seen easily on the legs, cheeks, eye brows and bottoms at birth. If a puppy is born with just a tan bottom and/or light leg markings then he/she will develop their other tan points slowly, their tan points will not be as strong as puppies that are born with strong tan points, but they will however get more visible within their first few months of life.
Cockapoos are fun loving little fur balls! They are full of energy and perfect for kids and other dogs. Cockapoos are considered low shedding and are great for people with allergies. Cockapoos love to play and are energetic puppies. They are well suited for people with a yard for them to play in but can also do well in an apartment if walked properly. Cockapoos have a very long life span of 15 to 20 years. Cockapoos do require grooming every 6 to 8 weeks and need to be brushed a couple of times a week depending on the length you keep their fur trimmed to. Cockapoos are friendly, loving, eager to please and are fairly easy to train. As with all puppies training depends on the owners amount of time they spend training their puppy, the more time you have to train him/her the faster he/she will learn.
****We reserve the right to refuse to sale a puppy to just anyone.****