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Cockapoo pups available 3



Starla and Mario had a beautiful litter of  First Generation Cockapoos born on Thanksgiving day. November 28, 2024. Starla had 2 females and 3 males. Starla is our beautiful Blue Merle & white Cocker Spaniel and she weighs 23 lbs. Mario is our handsome Chocolate and tan Phanton Miniature Poodle and he weighs 20 lbs. Both Starla & Marion have wonderful, loving temperaments and their puppies will too. Both parents are in excellent health. We are expecting the puppies from this litter to weigh between 18 and 23 lbs full grown.


The puppies from this litter will come with CKC papers, a 2 year Health Guarantee, Vet Records and Shot Records, vaccines and dewormings will be up to date, a puppy pack, sample of food and a toy. They have already had their tails docked and dew claws removed. They will be ready for their new homes around January 18, 2025.

Our Cockapoos are $900.00. We will only hold puppies by deposit. The deposit is $300.00 and is non-refundable but is applied toward the price of the puppy. Deposits can be paid by sending a check, paying through Paypal or Cashapp if you don't mind paying their small fee. We do allow our customers to visit here and meet the parents and the puppies. The balance is due when you pick up your puppy. We only take cash at pick up time!

We no longer ship our puppies. Sorry!

Names are for advertisment and can be changed after the deposit is paid. We update pictures often so that our customers can watch their puppy grow. After a puppy is listed as Adopted, you will then receive updated pictures by email. I have also added pictures of some of our previous puppies to give an idea of what these pups will look like when they get a little bigger. 







Olaf: Buff male with white markings. Available

Emma : Blue Merle, white & tan female. Available

Willow: Blue Merle female. Adopted by April!

Teddy: Black & tan male with white markings. Available

Balto: Chocolate Merle male with white markings. Adopted by Carrie!



                               ************Click on the pictures for a larger view*************